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Unlock student flight deals–up to 30% off

StudentUniverse is your new go-to for student flight deals. Whether you’re heading to Bali or looking for student discounts on flights to Europe, Asia or anywhere around the world, we’ve got discounts. Have a favourite airline? We’ve got discounts with Virgin Australia, Air New Zealand, Air China, Emirates, Singapore Airlines, Malaysia Airlines and more. Create a free member account to unlock our special deals.

Domestic flights in Australia

StudentUniverse has a wide range of cheap domestic flights in Australia to choose from. Whether you need a weekend out of the city or are taking a quick holiday from work or uni, you can easily find flight deals that won’t leave your pockets empty. Check out our cheap domestic flights page and start flying.

International flights

We’ve teamed up with top airlines like , Air New Zealand, Emirates and Singapore Airlines to get you to any international destination you could possibly think of. Study abroad or take your gap year for less when you book with our exclusive student discounts. Not sure where to go? We have cheap flights to Thailand, USA, London and more.

Gap year flights

Thinking about studying overseas or taking a gap year? Travelling can be a life-changing experience, so we’re here to help you get there as cheaply and as smoothly as possible. It doesn’t matter if you’re doing a semester in the US or backpacking through Europe, we can help with your gap year plans. Just check out our gap year flights.